This is a compilation of links that I'm associated with in some way, like to visit, or find useful. You might find some of them interesting. Please note that while I've made this website easy to view on smartphones as well as desktops, I can't guarantee the same for these links!
Past/Present Affiliations
Nonlinear Instability and Bifurcation Laboratory at the University of Florida
about us
Home - AstroAccess
Mission: AstroAccessIf we can make space accessible, we can make any space accessible.

Disabled for Accessibility In Space

SAM Mars Analog | Biosphere 2

The Mars Society
Home | Planetary Volatiles Laboratory | York University

Space News & Blogs
The Space Review: essays and commentary about the final frontier

Covering the business and politics of space


Centauri Dreams – Imagining and Planning Interstellar Exploration

Selenian Boondocks | Random Musings from the Warped Minds of Jonathan Goff, Ken Murphy, John Hare, and Kirk Sorensen

NASA Watch
This is not a NASA website. You might learn something. It’s YOUR space agency. Get involved. Take it back. Make it work - for you.

Blog Series: Countering misconceptions in space journalism
As a lover of all things space I enjoy reading a wide variety of perspectives. The more different the origin, the more likely I am to learn something new! Even in articles which contain errors or e…

Useful Websites
eFunda: The Ultimate Online Reference for Engineers

Planetary Transfer Calculator

TheSkyLive - Your Guide to the Solar System and the Night Sky provides detailed information, precise position and sky charts for the most import Solar System and Deep Sky objects

Omni Calculator
Omni Calculator solves 3459 problems anywhere from finance and business to health. It’s so fast and easy you won’t want to do the math again!

Overleaf, Online LaTeX Editor
An online LaTeX editor that’s easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more.

Science Fiction
Welcome to the Orion’s Arm Universe Project

Atomic Rockets - Atomic Rockets

A blog dedicated to helping Science Fiction authors create and discuss worlds where a realistic setting can still serve the fiction.

19,000+ Writing Prompts to Inspire Creative Writing
Descriptionari is a place where students, educators and professional writers discover and share inspirational writing and amazing descriptions.

Hemingway Editor

Reedsy: Find the perfect editor, designer or marketer | Reedsy
Reedsy allows authors to find and work with the best publishing professionals: from developmental editors to book cover designers, publicists and translators.

Scuba Diving
Home - Official Site
SCUBA diving gear for experienced divers. Five-star service with fast FREE shipping.

DAN promotes diver safety worldwide through research, medicine, education & emergency support. Get answers: What should divers do for their own safety?

Palladium Magazine
Palladium is a San Francisco-based non-partisan publication that explores the future of governance and society through journalism, analysis, and philosophy.

Evonomics: The Next Evolution of Economics
New economic foundations for the new economy